Format byte

Format Byte

Used to format byte values with various options and units

File Size

120 kB


The byte formatting component extends the number formatting capabilities to handle byte-specific formatting, including automatic unit conversion and display options.

import { Format } from '@ark-ui/react'



Use the Format.Byte component to format a byte value with default options.

import { Format } from '@ark-ui/react'

export const ByteBasic = () => {
  return (
      File size: <Format.Byte value={1450.45} />


Use the sizes prop to specify custom byte sizes for formatting.

import { Format } from '@ark-ui/react'

export const ByteSizes = () => {
  const byteSizes = [50, 5000, 5000000, 5000000000]

  return (
      {byteSizes.map((size, index) => (
        <div key={index}>
          <Format.Byte value={size} />


Use the locale prop to format the byte value according to a specific locale.

import { Format, LocaleProvider } from '@ark-ui/react'

export const ByteWithLocale = () => {
  const locales = ['de-DE', 'zh-CN']
  const value = 1450.45

  return (
      {locales.map((locale) => (
        <LocaleProvider key={locale} locale={locale}>
          <Format.Byte value={value} />


Use the unit prop to specify the unit of the byte value.

import { Format } from '@ark-ui/react'

export const ByteWithUnit = () => {
  const value = 1450.45
  const unit = 'bit'

  return (
      File size: <Format.Byte value={value} unit={unit} />

Unit Display

Use the unitDisplay prop to specify the display of the unit.

import { Format } from '@ark-ui/react'

export const ByteWithUnitDisplay = () => {
  const value = 50345.53
  const unitDisplays = ['narrow', 'short', 'long'] as const

  return (
      {unitDisplays.map((unitDisplay) => (
        <Format.Byte key={unitDisplay} value={value} unitDisplay={unitDisplay} />