

All notable changes will be documented in this file.


[4.5.0] - 2024-12-12


  • ColorPicker: Introduced invalid and openAutoFocus props.
  • TreeView: Exported the TreeCollection type.
  • FileUpload: Added acceptedFiles and rejectedFiles outputs to the validate method.


  • Environment: Deprecated EnvironmentContext in favor of UseEnvironmentContext.


  • Presence, Collapsible: Fixed a potential memory leak after component unmount.
  • Environment: Correctly exported EnvironmentContext.
  • SignaturePad: Resolved an issue where getDataUrl(...) rendered improperly scaled images in Firefox.
  • NumberInput: Fixed an issue where the locale provided by LocaleProvider was not applied correctly.


  • DatePicker: Dropped the unimplemented modal prop.

[4.4.2] - 2024-11-18


  • TreeView: Exported missing TreeViewContext.

[4.4.1] - 2024-11-14


  • Utility: Incorrect entrypoint in package.json for /anatomy.

[4.4.0] - 2024-11-11


  • Utility: Exported createAnatomy for defining custom component anatomy, now accessible via import { createAnatomy } from '@ark-ui/vue/anatomy'.


  • ColorPicker
    • Added --color CSS variable to swatch and swatch trigger parts.
    • Enabled clicking on swatch when in the open state.
  • Combobox: Fixed a timing issue with the onValueChange callback.
  • Clipboard: Corrected missing type="button" attribute on clipboard trigger.
  • Field
    • Fixed cleanup issue with resizeObserver on Field.Textarea.
    • Triggered resize when rows attribute or fonts change.
  • TagsInput: Resolved inconsistent delete behavior across states.
  • TimePicker: Exported missing timePickerAnatomy.

[4.3.0] - 2024-11-08


  • Field: Added autoresize prop to Field.Textarea for auto-resizing the textarea based on content.


  • TreeView: Redesigned using the new tree collection for improved rendering and logic management. See the TreeView documentation for details.
  • QrCode, SignaturePad, Timer: Promoted from preview to stable release.


  • Dialog: Fixed an issue where body styles weren't properly restored when preventScroll was enabled.
  • Toast: Corrected type definitions in the createToaster function.

[4.2.0] - 2024-10-26


  • Slider: Introduced Slider.DraggingIndicator for displaying an indicator when dragging a thumb.
  • Field: Added Field.RequiredIndicator to show a required indicator (e.g., an asterisk) when the required prop is set.
<Field.Root required>
    <Field.RequiredIndicator />
  <Field.Input placeholder="Enter your username" />


  • TagsInput: Resolved an issue where api.addTag(...) was not functioning correctly.
  • RatingGroup: Fixed a bug where both the rating group and rating item received focus when readOnly was set to true.
  • Combobox: Corrected behavior where getSelectionValue was called multiple times; it now triggers only when a selection is made.
  • HoverCard: Removed preventDefault calls on the touchstart event to avoid browser error logs.
  • Popover: Fixed a race condition in iOS Safari where switching between popovers caused them to close unexpectedly.
  • Presence: Addressed an issue where elements using the presence machine did not exit the unmounting state if closed with a delay while switching tabs.


  • Editable:
    • Added data-autoresize attribute to both editable and preview elements when autoResize is enabled.
    • Removed the default all: unset style from the input when autoResize is enabled, allowing for user-defined CSS.

[4.1.1] - 2024-10-09


  • Time Picker [Preview]: Updated value and defaultValue types from string to Time. Use the exported parseTime function to convert between strings and time objects.


  • TagsInput: Resolved an issue where tag navigation was unresponsive after removing tags with the delete key.
  • DatePicker: Fixed a bug where selecting a preset and then blurring the input incorrectly reset the value.

[4.1.0] - 2024-09-30


  • Toggle: Introduced the Toggle component.
  • useForwardExpose: Added utility to facilitate forwarding of underlying component nodes.
  • Dialog: Added support for detecting outside clicks from parent windows when rendered within an iframe.


  • Resolved an issue where the underlying DOM node of most components was inaccessible via $el.
  • Combobox: Fixed an issue where pressing Enter without selecting an option left text in the input.
  • Dialog: Fixed an issue where the dialog closed when the positioner was scrollable, and the scrollbar was clicked.
  • File Upload:
    • Fixed an issue where acceptedFiles were removed after an invalid file upload.
    • Fixed an issue in the preview image where createObjectURL was not cleaned up.

[4.0.2] - 2024-09-27


  • Resolved an issue that ref is not exported from @zag-js/store.

[4.0.1] - 2024-09-26


  • Corrected an issue where Vue 3.5.x was not properly declared as a peer dependency.

[4.0.0] - 2024-09-25

In this major release, we shifted from primitive data types like strings to more structured types such as Collection, Color, and DateValue. This enhanced flexibility and control by offering advanced methods and properties.

The new APIs introduced helper functions like parseColor, parseDate, and createListCollection to simplify working with the new types and make code more concise.


  • Ark UI Vue now required Vue 3.5.x or later, as it leveraged the useId() helper introduced in this version.

  • ColorPicker [Breaking]: Updated value and defaultValue types from string to Color. Use the exported parseColor function to convert between strings and color objects.


    import { ColorPicker } from '@ark-ui/react/color-picker'
    const Demo = () => {
      return <ColorPicker.Root defaultValue="#000" />


    import { ColorPicker, parseColor } from '@ark-ui/react/color-picker'
    const Demo = () => {
      return <ColorPicker.Root defaultValue={parseColor('#000')} />

    This change allows direct access to color object methods and properties.

  • Select, Combobox [Breaking]: Removed the items, itemToString, and itemToValue props. Introduced a collection prop instead. Use the createListCollection helper to generate a collection from items.


    import { Select } from '@ark-ui/react/select'
    const Demo = () => {
      return <Select.Root items={['Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3']} />


    import { Select, createListCollection } from '@ark-ui/react/select'
    const collection = createListCollection({
      items: ['Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3'],
    const Demo = () => {
      return <Select.Root collection={collection} />
  • DatePicker [Breaking]: Changed value and defaultValue types from string to Date. To convert between strings and dates, use the parseDate function.


    import { DatePicker } from '@ark-ui/react/date-picker'
    const Demo = () => {
      return <DatePicker.Root defaultValue="2024-01-01" />


    import { DatePicker, parseDate } from '@ark-ui/react/date-picker'
    const Demo = () => {
      return <DatePicker.Root defaultValue={parseDate('2024-01-01')} />

[3.14.0] - 2024-09-24


  • FileUpload: Introduced a ClearTrigger for clearing file uploads.
  • Switch, Checkbox, Radio Group: Added the data-focus-visible attribute for elements interacted with via keyboard.


  • FileUpload: Resolved an issue where directory: true was non-functional.


  • Tooltip: Now only opens on keyboard focus, improving accessibility.

[3.13.1] - 2024-09-19


  • Field: Fix issue where using v-model in Field.Input, Field.Select, and Field.Textarea doesn't work.

  • Frame: Fixed issue where package requires vue@3.5.x due to usage of onWatcherCleanup.

  • DatePicker

    • Fixed issue where the year select dropdown doesn't respect min and max props.
    • Fixed issue where date picker throws when min or max is changed.
    • Fixed issue where typing in date picker input doesn't work.

[3.13.0] - 2024-09-13


  • Frame (Preview): Introduced the Frame component for rendering content within an iframe.
  • Timer (Preview): Added Area and Control parts to improve structure and anatomy.


  • Combobox: Resolved an issue where the highlighted item remained persistent when the list of items was empty.

[3.12.1] - 2024-09-11


  • Highlight: Fixed issue where ignoreCase and matchAll props were not working.

[3.12.0] - 2024-09-10


  • Floating Components: Fixed issue where clicking outside of a dialog on mobile passed click events through.

  • Popover: Fixed issue where popover did not restore focus when open state was changed programmatically

  • Avatar: Fixed issue where avatar could throw when the fallback inner text changed

  • Steps: Improved accessibility of tablist semantics by using aria-owns


  • FileUpload: Add support for more file types in file upload accept intellisense

  • Toast: Add support for action property when creating toasts, giving you the ability to add a action.label and action.onClick. The onClick function will be called when the user clicks the action trigger.

  title: 'Uploaded successfully',
  type: 'success',
  action: {
    label: 'Undo',
    onClick: () => {
  • File Upload: Added support for invalid prop in file upload to explicitly mark upload operation as invalid. This could be paired with the rejectedFiles to show an error message.


  • Floating Components: Refactored boundary to only support function that returns an element.

  • Select

    • Refactored opening and selection to be based on click events rather than pointerdown/up cycles.
    • Improved usability and accessibility of the select component.
    • Fixed issue where controlled multiple selects open state behaved unexpectedly.

[3.11.0] - 2024-09-02


  • All Components: Fixed issue where exit animations weren't working correctly.

  • Steps: Fixed issue where steps context was not exported.


  • Checkbox: Added invalid prop to Checkbox.Group

[3.10.0] - 2024-08-22


  • Editable

    • Add support for controlled the editable's state (edit/preview) using edit and onEditChange
  • Pagination

    • Expose api.count property


  • Editable

    • Removed onEdit in favor of onEditChange
    • Removed startsWithEditView in favor of edit prop


  • Dialog

    • Fix issue where closing a nested dialog focuses the first focusable element in the parent dialog instead of the previously focused element.
  • Steps: Fixed issue where the steps component was not exported in the index file.

  • Select: Fixed issue where Nuxt was not able to resolve the @zag-js/utils package.

[3.9.0] - 2024-08-19


  • Steps (Preview): Added Steps component.
<Steps.Root count={1}>
    <Steps.Item index={0}>
      <Steps.Separator />

  <Steps.Content index={0}>Content</Steps.Content>

  • Timer (Preview): Added Timer component.
  <Timer.Item type="days" />
  <Timer.Item type="hours" />
  <Timer.Item type="minutes" />
  <Timer.Item type="seconds" />

[3.8.0] - 2024-08-14


  • Progress: Update Progress.ValueText to render percentage as string.


  • Field:

    • Fixed issue where id of field parts could not be customized, breaking Zag.js composition.
    • Added data-* attributes to control part to allow for better styling.
  • Select: Fixed reactivity issues when items and value are updated.

[3.7.2] - 2024-07-28


  • DatePicker: Added support for index in getLabelProps.


  • DatePicker:
    • Fixed issue where the selected date doesn't reflect in the input when clicking the trigger and then focusing the input.
    • Fixed SSR issue when using getPresetTrigger.
  • Slider: Fixed issue where onValueChangeEnd was called with an incorrect value.
  • Fixed an import issue with @internationalized/date.

[3.7.1] - 2024-07-26


  • Highlight:
    • Enabled import from @ark-ui/vue/highlight.
    • Exported HighlightChunk type to enhance type inference in userland code.


  • Select: Fixed HiddenSelect to correctly emit values when a simple string array is used as the value for the Select component.
  • ColorPicker: Fixed an issue where an invalid color value was emitted if no default value was provided.

[3.7.0] - 2024-07-25


  • Fieldset Component: Introduced to help group form fields.
  <Fieldset.HelperText>Helper text</Fieldset.HelperText>
  <Fieldset.ErrorText>Error text</Fieldset.ErrorText>

Learn more in the documentation.

  • Highlight Component: Added to highlight text based on a query.
import { Highlight } from '@ark-ui/vue'

export const App = () => (
    query={['Ark UI', 'exclusive examples']}
    text="Unlock exclusive examples and support the development by getting Ark Plus."
  • Tooltip: Added closeOnClick to control tooltip closure on trigger click.


  • Toast: Exported CreateToasterReturn type to improve type inference.
  • Combobox: Enhanced accessibility by removing unnecessary aria-selected and aria-disabled attributes.


  • Toast: Added missing aria-labelledby and aria-describedby attributes on the root element.
  • Combobox: Fixed issue where the input didn't update on selection with a pointer.
  • RadioGroup: Corrected misspelt data-readonly attribute.
  • Select: Enabled customization of closeOnSelect when multiple is true.
  • Tags Input:
    • Fixed issues with repeat pasting and undo.
    • Addressed problem where deleting a pasted value disabled further pasting.
    • Ensured values are always unique by discarding duplicates

[3.6.0] - 2024-06-30

  • All Components: Exported each component's anatomy. For example:

    import { avatarAnatomy } from '@ark-ui/solid'
  • NumberInput: Introduced the ValueText part to render the internal state value.

  • Checkbox: Added the name prop to Checkbox.Group for setting names within the group.


  • All Components: Corrected multiple incorrect base export aliases across various components.
  • TreeView: Resolved an issue preventing input usage within the tree.
  • Progress: Fixed a warning in Circle due to an incorrect viewBox attribute on the <svg> element.
  • Carousel: Corrected looping behavior for next and previous buttons when both slidesPerView and loop are set.
  • Menu: Fixed loss of position data in the context menu upon closing.

[3.5.0] - 2024-06-25


  • All Components: Exposed base props to simplify prop merging for library consumers, especially in CSS-in-JS environments.
    export interface AccordionItemBaseProps extends ItemProps, PolymorphicProps {}
    export interface AccordionItemProps
      extends AccordionItemBaseProps,
         * @vue-ignore
        HTMLAttributes {}
  • Field: Introduced the Field component for flexible form input, label, and helper text container.
  • Signature Pad: Added HiddenInput to the SignaturePad component for better form library compatibility.
  • ColorPicker: Added SliderValueText, SliderLabel, and ValueSwatch parts for enhanced customization.
  • Tooltip: Introduced the closeOnScroll option to control whether the tooltip should close when the trigger's overflow parent scrolls.


  • Menu:
    • Resolved an issue causing sibling menus or popovers to malfunction on iOS devices.
    • Fixed a problem where the context menu trigger showed the magnifier and iOS context menu on long press.
  • Editable: Fixed a bug where setting activationMode to dblclick unexpectedly cleared the input value.
  • Checkbox: Added the missing group role for the Checkbox group component.
  • Signature Pad: Added missing exports for the signature-pad component.
  • Input: Resolved an issue where the Input components could not be used with the asChild prop.

[3.4.0] - 2024-06-12


  • Signature Pad: Introduced the SignaturePad component for capturing signatures.
  • QR Code: Added the QRCode component for generating QR codes.
  • CheckboxGroup: Added the CheckboxGroup component for managing multiple checkboxes.
  • Presence: Added support for immediate to synchronize presence changes immediately instead of deferring to the next tick.


  • TreeView: Resolved an issue where the tree view state could be updated after setting defaultSelectedValue or defaultExpandedValue.
  • Tabs: Resolved an issue where rapidly changing the selected tab could briefly show previous tab content.
  • FileUpload: Fixed an issue where the onFileAccept event was triggered when deleting an item via the delete trigger.
  • Select: Exported the missing SelectList component.
  • Carousel: Fixed an issue where the carousel would not update the current index when used with v-model.

[3.3.1] - 2024-06-07


  • Combobox: Exported missing ComboboxList component.

[3.3.0] - 2024-06-06


  • All Components: Introduced the Provider component for easier access to internal machine APIs, improving component composition. See the example below:
<script setup lang="ts">
import { Avatar, useAvatar } from '@ark-ui/vue'

const avatar = useAvatar({
  onStatusChange: (e) => console.log('status changed', e),

  <Avatar.RootProvider :value="avatar">
    <Avatar.Image src="https://i.pravatar.cc/3000" alt="avatar" />

[3.2.0] - 2024-06-04


  • Select, Combobox: Added support for generics.

You can now use generics with Select and Combobox components to ensure type safety and improved development experience.

<script setup lang="ts">
import { Combobox } from '@ark-ui/vue'
import { ref } from 'vue'

interface Pokemon {
  id: string
  name: string
  url: string

const items = ref<Pokemon[]>([])

    :item-to-value="(item) => item.id"
    @highlight-change="(e) => console.log(e.highlightedItem?.name)"

[3.1.0] - 2024-06-04


  • Editable: Supported textarea as the input element in edit mode.


  • Select: Fixed an issue where changing the label of a collection item did not trigger a change event.
  • Popover:
    • Implemented autoFocus to determine whether the popover should autofocus on open:
      • When true, the first focusable element or the content is focused.
      • When false, the content is focused.
    • Fixed an issue where the page scroll resets on opening the popover.

[3.0.3] - 2024-05-29


  • Resolved an issue where auto-generated ids were not correctly passed to the machines.

[3.0.2] - 2024-05-29


  • Avatar: Improved image load check by using naturalWidth and naturalHeight instead of currentSrc.

[3.0.1] - 2024-05-27


  • Added missing export for HiddenInput in Slider.
  • Added missing export for ItemHiddenInput in RadioGroup and SegmentGroup.

[3.0.0] - 2024-05-24


We are excited to announce the first major release of Ark UI Vue! Ark UI Vue is now feature-complete and ready for production use.

To maintain consistency across our suite, we have aligned the versioning of all Ark UI packages. Therefore, the next release of Ark UI Vue will be v3.

This update introduces several new components, enhancements, and bug fixes. Here are some of the highlights:


  • Context Components: Introduced the Context component for easier access to internal machine APIs, improving component composition. See the example below:
      <Popover.Context v-slot="popover">
          <Popover.Title @click="popover.setOpen(false)">Title</Popover.Title>
  • Format: Added a Format component for formatting bytes and numbers.
<Format.Byte :value="120904" unit="byte" unit-display="short" />
<Format.Number :value="1204" unit="centimeter" />
  • Tooltip: Added defaultOpen prop for cases where you do not need to control its open state.
  • Types: Exported Assign and Optional types to enhance type handling.
  • Toast: Added support for overlapping and stacked toast.


  • [BREAKING]: Exposed hidden inputs in Checkbox, ColorPicker, FileUpload, PinInput, RadioGroup, RatingGroup, SegmentGroup, Select, Slider, Switch, and TagsInput for better form library compatibility. Please ensure to include the hidden input in your component as shown below:
      <CheckIcon />
  <Checkbox.HiddenInput />
  • [BREAKING] Combobox, Select: Made id optional and removed htmlFor from ItemGroupLabel for cleaner markup.
- <Combobox.ItemGroup id="framework">
-   <Combobox.ItemGroupLabel htmlFor="framework">Frameworks</Combobox.ItemGroupLabel>
+ <Combobox.ItemGroup>
+   <Combobox.ItemGroupLabel>Frameworks</Combobox.ItemGroupLabel>
  • [BREAKING] Popover, Tooltip: Renamed closeOnEsc to closeOnEscape to be consistent with dialog machine.
  • [BREAKING] Combobox, Menu, Select, Tabs, ToggleGroup: Renamed loop to focusLopp to be more descriptive.
  • [BREAKING] Environment: Renamed Environment to EnvironmentProvider to align with other providers.


  • DatePicker: Resolved issues with min and max props not supporting date strings.
  • Accordion: Fixed initial flicker of content.
  • TagsInput: Replaced HTMLInputElement with HTMLDivElement in TagsInput.Root.


  • [BREAKING]: Dropped direct internal API access from Root components. Use the new Context component for more flexible and cleaner API integration.
  • [BREAKING]: Simplified component APIs by removing dir and getRootNode attributes. Use LocaleProvider and EnvironmentProvider for these settings.

[0.11.0] - 2024-02-08


  • Added TreeView component
  • Updated @zag-js dependencies to their latest versions, enhancing performance for all components.
  • Exported SelectionDetails type for Menu component


  • Breaking Change: Renamed the root types for all components to <ComponentName>RootProps. Like shown for the Avatar component below:
- import type { AvatarProps } from "@ark-ui/vue"
+ import type { AvatarRootProps } from "@ark-ui/vue"
  • Breaking Change: Removed the .Root suffix for provider component like Presence and Environment.
- <Presence.Root>...</Presence.Root>
+ <Presence>...</Presence>
  • Breaking Change: Renamed the indicator part to view in the Progress component to more accurately reflect its functionality.

  • Added the ItemPreview component to the TagsInput component. See the example below:

<TagsInput.Item key={index} index={index} value={value}>
+  <TagsInput.ItemPreview>
+ </TagsInput.ItemPreview>
  <TagsInput.ItemInput />
  • Changed Dialog.Description and Popover.Description from p to div to allow for multiple paragraphs.


  • Added the missing minStepsBetweenThumbs prop to Slider component.
  • Fixed an issue where emitted event caused "not declared" warning
  • Fixed an issue on touch devices where selecting an item within Combobox, Menu, or Select triggered a click event on the element behind the portalled content.
  • Fixed an issue in PinInput where pasting a value filled all inputs instead of populating them one per input.
  • Fix issue where Select component submits its first option when used in a form, even if there is no value selected.

[0.10.0] - 2024-01-17


  • Added DatePicker component
  • Added Progress component
  • Added v-model:checked for Checkbox component
  • Added v-model:open for Dialog component
  • Added v-model:open for HoverCard component
  • Added v-model:open for Popover component
  • Added valueAsString to onValueChange in DatePicker callback details
  • Exported change details typings, for example AccordionValueChangeDetails or DialogOpenChangeDetails


  • Changed ColorPicker.Swatch tag from button to div
  • Changed Combobox.ItemText type from button to span
  • Changed Combobox.Positioner tag from ul to div
  • Changed Popover.Description tag from div to p
  • Rewritten all components defineComponent to Function Signature
  • Rewritten all components underlying Presence logic
  • Revised Dialog component stories and tests
  • Revised HoverCard component stories and tests
  • Revised Menu component
  • Revised Popover component stories and tests
  • Revised Select component stories and types
  • Revised Splitter component
  • Revised Tooltip component
  • Revised Tabs component types
  • Revised TagsInput component
  • Revised Toast component
  • Revised ToggleGroup component
  • Replaced the styling props for indicator with CSS variables in RadioGroup, SegmentGroup, and Tabs.


  • Added a missing slot with machine api in Splitter component
  • Added a missing slot with machine api in Tabs component
  • Added a missing slot with machine api in Tooltip component
  • Added missing emits in Dialog component
  • Added missing emits in Presence component
  • Added missing emits in Slider component
  • Fixed Dialog.Trigger aria-controls bug
  • Fixed Menu.Trigger aria-controls bug
  • Fixed Popover.Trigger aria-controls bug
  • Fixed Toast component render bugs
  • Fixed lazy mounting in Accordion component
  • Fixed lazy mounting in ColorPicker component
  • Fixed lazy mounting in Combobox component
  • Fixed lazy mounting in HoverCard component
  • Fixed lazy mounting in Menu component
  • Fixed lazy mounting in Popover component
  • Fixed lazy mounting in Tabs component
  • Fixed multiple rerenders on Select component using search params
  • Fixed the issue where setting disabled on Combobox does not reflect in combobox item
  • Fix an issue that breaks the Combobox when clicking on the input while the menu is open
  • Fixed the issue where DatePicker initial value isn't set when using controlled context
  • Resolved an issue where Tooltip component would not handle open control state
  • Resolved an issue that Menu option item could not be activated by keyboard

[0.9.0] - 2023-12-14


  • Added FileUpload component
  • Added SegmentGroup component
  • Added ToggleGroup component
  • Added ValueText to the ColorPicker component
  • Added support to lazy mount the ColorPicker component using the Presence component
  • Added entrypoint for the ark factory at @ark-ui/vue/factory


  • Revised Accordion component
  • Revised Avatar component
  • Revised Carousel component
  • Revised Checkbox component
  • Revised ColorPicker component
  • Revised Combobox component
  • Revised Editable component
  • Revised NumberInput component
  • Revised Pagination component
  • Revised PinInput component
  • Revised RadioGroup component
  • Revised RatingGroup component
  • Revised Select component
  • Revised Switch component


  • Resolved an issue where the Accordion component would not render its content.
  • Resolved an accessibility issue with Select


  • Removed anatomy exports. These exports are now available in @ark-ui/anatomy.
// before
import { accordionAnatomy } from '@ark-ui/vue'
// after
import { accordionAnatomy } from '@ark-ui/anatomy' // or
import { anatomy } from '@ark-ui/anatomy/accordion'
  • Removed Pressable component

[0.8.0] - 2023-09-08


  • Added Avatar component
  • Added Switch component
  • Added Presence component
  • To improve performance and reduce initial load times, we've introduced two new properties to the AccordionContent, ComboboxContent, DialogBackdrop, DialogContent, HoverCardContent, MenuContent, PopoverContent, SelectContent, and TooltipContent components. The lazyMount property allows for on-demand rendering of content, while the unmountOnExit property enables the removal of the component from the DOM once it's no longer required, ensuring better resource management and cleaner code.


  • Revised Accordion component
  • Revised Carousel component
  • Revised ColorPicker component
  • Revised NumberInput component
  • Revised HoverCard component
  • Revised Pagination component
  • Revised RangeSlider component
  • Revised Slider component
  • Revised Splitter component
  • Revised Tabs component
  • Revised Tooltip component

[0.7.0] - 2023-09-01


  • Added ComboboxOptionGroupLabel to the Combobox component. This component can be used to render a label for a group of options in the ComboboxOptionGroup component.


  • BREAKING: Renamed NumberInputField to NumberInputInput to match the naming convention of other input components.
  • BREAKING: Renamed PinInputField to PinInputInput to match the naming convention of other input components.
  • BREAKING: Renamed TagsInputField to TagsInputInput to match the naming convention of other input components.


  • BREAKING: Removed CheckboxInput. This component is no longer required.
  • BREAKING: Removed RadioInput. This component is no longer required.


  • Fixed a bug in the CarouselControl component where it was returning a function instead of the expected component.

[0.6.0] - 2023-08-06


  • Enhanced Carousel component: Introduced CarouselIndicator and CarouselIndicatorGroup components. These sub-components offer finer control over the carousel navigation, enabling users to directly access desired carousel slides.
  • Expose use<X>Context for all components that use context.
  • Developers can now set default options for all Toast components in their application, ensuring a consistent look and feel across the board.
  • Added ComboboxOptionGroup and ComboboxClearTrigger components to the Combobox component.

[0.5.3] - 2023-07-10


  • Resolved an issue whre the Toast component would not render custom content.
  • Fixed an issue where standalone imports were not working as expected.
  • Resolved an issue where the SegmentGroup component would not animate on the first click.

[0.5.2] - 2023-06-27


  • Support for standalone component imports: Developers can now import individual components, such as @ark-ui/vue/tabs instead of the full @ark-ui/vue package. This is a significant feature for those working with bundlers that do not support tree-shaking. By allowing imports of individual components, we ensure a reduced bundle size when the full package import is not necessary.


  • Added missing onOpen events for Dialog

[0.5.1] - 2023-06-20


  • Fixed an issue where TagsInput was not exported
  • Fixed an issue where CarouselNextSliderTrigger and CarouselPrevSlideTrigger weren't rendered correctly

[0.5.0] - 2023-06-03


  • Introduced the onLongPress property to Pressable


  • Updated all @zag-js dependencies to their latest versions

[0.4.0] - 2023-05-25


  • Removed AccordionIcon


  • Fixed a bug where Toast and Environment weren't exported

[0.3.0] - 2023-05-23


  • Add Carousel
  • Add Environment
  • Add Toast
  • Add support for asChild


  • Update Checkbox. Control indeterminate state in checked prop

[0.2.1] - 2023-05-11


  • Fix Dialog component: apply two-way binding to open prop

[0.2.0] - 2023-04-29


  • Add ColorPicker
  • Add TagsInput

[0.1.0] - 2023-04-17


  • Add Accordion
  • Add Checkbox
  • Add Combobox
  • Add DatePicker
  • Add Dialog
  • Add Editable
  • Add HoverCard
  • Add Menu
  • Add NumberInput
  • Add Pagination
  • Add PinInput
  • Add Popover
  • Add Pressable
  • Add RadioGroup
  • Add RangeSlider
  • Add RatingGroup
  • Add Select
  • Add Slider
  • Add Splitter
  • Add Tabs
  • Add Tooltip